If you’re like most homeschool parents, the number of papers that your children create on a daily basis can become overwhelming very quicklyIt helps both you and your kids if you have a system of organization for all of these papers.
I’d like to share with you what I have found to be helpful for our family, and I encourage you to share your ideas and thoughts as well. (Leave a comment below.)
I create 3 manila folders for each of my children. (I just use the plain manila folders, but you could color-coordinate them to make it easier.)
- [Name] Completed: The kids place their completed assignments into this folder. When I’m ready to review or grade their work, this is where I find it.
- [Name] Checked: This folder is only for my use. After I’ve reviewed or graded the assignments, I place them in this folder.
- [Name] Recorded: I pull papers out of the “checked” folder and record the grades
or completion information into Diligent Homeschool’s recordkeeping system, then I place them in this folder.
Every week or two, my children take the papers out of their “recorded” folder and file them into binders, separated by subjects and in date order. Obviously, for the younger ones, I either do the filing or ask the older ones to help. When you do it often, it only takes a few minutes to complete.
It’s important to know what your state laws are so that you can be prepared to show your children’s work if a portfolio review is requested.
As always, we love to hear from you and get your ideas for improvements we can make to the system that will make your life easier. Just hit reply to this email and send us your feedback.
Praying for a successful homeschool year for all! |