If you love to use spreadsheets (like Microsoft Excel), you can now copy and paste your assignments from your spreadsheet into Diligent Homeschool…

If you love to use spreadsheets (like Microsoft Excel), you can now copy and paste your assignments from your spreadsheet into Diligent Homeschool…
It’s difficult enough as homeschool parents to get all of our daily responsibilities fulfilled, but when you also factor in family time, household chores, and all the other extra stuff, it can really pile up!
A very common question people ask is about why in the world they should do any homeschool recordkeeping…
I wanted to talk a little bit today about what I have found to work very well for organizing my younger children’s daily homeschool materials…
If you’re like most homeschool parents, the number of papers that your children create on a daily basis can become […]
How is your summer going so far? Are you enjoying a break from school, or do you school year-round? Either […]
Around this time of year, I hear a collective sigh of relief from all the homeschool parents out there. Whether […]
Hi! My name is Elizabeth Lawrence, and I’m the founder of Diligent Homeschool Recordkeeping System. This post is to provide […]
Organization is an important aspect of any homeschool. No matter how you accomplish the task, keeping books, curriculum, paperwork, and […]